
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Art Project 'Me in a box'

This term the whole school will be taking part in an art project ‘me in a box.’ This project involves pupils decorating/designing a box all about them.

The cover of the box will be a self portrait which will be drawn by pupils, the box will then open to reveal the inner person. Inside the box pupils will decorate with pictures from home, items, trinkets, magazine clippings, letters or drawn pictures (of their favourite teacher). As long as it is important to them!  

Children should think carefully about what they would like to put in their box (please no valuables)

Please could parents/carers provide a box (a shoe box would be perfect) any spares would also be amazing help.

Thank you.  Hopefully, I will upload some of our wonderful boxes very soon!

Miss Egan