
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Remote Learning

Remote Learning at Greenfield Primary School

What does our remote education provision look like?

At Greenfield Primary School we are providing outstanding remote learning. This is made up of a number of online platforms these include: Microsoft Teams, Purple Mash, Times Table Rock Stars and Spelling Shed, Maths Shed, Collins E-Reading and Tapestry.


What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

Pupils have been provided with learning packs so they have instant access to home learning. This will ensure that the class teacher has time to set the remote learning provision. Updated packs are available from the school office from 9am -3pm.


What is taught at home?

All areas of the curriculum can be accessed at home. As a school we are ensuring that the schemes of work in school are being accessed at home for consistency and to provide high quality lessons and learning, for example: Maths: White Rose and English: Literacy Shed. Where this is not possible, teachers will make the appropriate adaptions, for example: Physical Education- Teachers will direct parents to appropriate tasks that can be accessed from home.


How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

Teachers will provide a minimum of 3-4 hours of remote learning each day.

3 hours a day for Key Stage 1

4 hours a day for Key Stage 2


How will my child access any online remote education?

Pupils will have daily communication and lessons via Purple Mash and have daily live briefings every morning via Microsoft Teams. Pupils may be directed to other websites and links when appropriate.


What to do if my child does not have digital or online access at home?

If pupils do not have online access, parents need to ensure they contact school so we can order the appropriate devices. In the meantime, all pupils have access to learning packs/printed materials which are updated every two weeks by the class teacher these can be picked up from the school office between 9am-3pm every day.


What are schools expectations in regards to a child’s engagement and the support that parents/carers should provide at home?

Pupils are expected to access remote learning every day. Parents should encourage and support engagement when possible.


How will school check whether children are engaging with their work? How will concerns be communicated?

Pupils will submit work to their class teachers daily, this work can be assessed, marked and feedback given as soon as possible. Teachers, pupils and parents can communicate via Purple Mash emails, Tapestry and Microsoft Teams. Parents are also able to ring school and speak to their child’s class teacher and teachers may also ring parents.


How will school work with pupils who need extra support at home to access home learning?

Teachers will contact pupils via telephone to support any online learning and offer any additional support.


What happens when individual pupils need to isolate but the majority of their class remains in school?

All children in school and at home will access the same learning. Where individual children are at home but the majority of children are in school their class teacher will upload the same work that children in school have completed. Where this isn’t possible class teachers will change the task to enable pupils to meet the same learning objective

