
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Class 2

smileyWelcome to Year 2smiley

Mrs Snape



We have worked really hard on our Titanic projects and have presented them to the whole class. Thank you to parents and carers for your support with these wonderful projects.

We have taken part in our traditional Easter egg rolling competition. We had great fun!

Our visit to the Maritime Museum in Liverpool to learn more about the Titanic.

Today we welcomed the police to our classroom. They came to talk to us about Stranger Danger and keeping safe.

Our class visit to Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre.

Raising money for Children in Need with our crazy hair styles!

During the week beginning Monday 5th November the whole school took part in work which focused on Remembrance Day. In Year 2 we did some art work, made a whole class poppy wreath, made poppies out of the bottoms of plastic bottles and wrote poetry.

World Mental Health Day 10th October 2018 #helloyellow

On Wednesday 10th October the whole school dressed in yellow to raise awareness of mental health and emotional well-being. We raised money for the charity 'Young Minds' and participated in activities in our classes that promote positive mental well-being.  

Working together in our Topic lesson.

Comparing numbers in Maths

Super sorting in Science.
