
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Religious Education

Subject Leader: Mrs Lewthwaite

RE Overview

At Greenfield Primary School, we will help all children to develop an understanding of the place that religion plays in people’s lives and how it has influenced history and the growth and development of society. We will use the Oldham Agreed Syllabus and Discovery RE as our scheme of work and we will make meaningful links with the other subjects of the curriculum. Our aim is to ignite a curiosity to learn about religion that will help children understand about faiths, beliefs and how religion has influenced the development of mankind and the society in which we live. Where parents request that their children be withdrawn from the teaching of religious education, other appropriate educational provision will be made for them.

Humanism Assembly

Kevin Malone visited the children at Greenfield Primary School and delivered an assembly on Humanism. 

Hinduism Assembly

Krishna Sisodia came to visit the pupils at Greenfield Primary School and delivered an assembly on the main beliefs of Hinduism including Diwali. 

Posada 2022/23

Experience Christmas December 2022

The children in Year 3 and 5 were invited to St Mary's Church, Greenfield to look at the story of Jesus' birth in more detail along with the children from St Mary's Primary School.

All of the children enjoyed the experience and learnt something new.

Posada 2019/20

The Posada travels between Greenfield Primary school, St Mary's Greenfield Primary School and Friezland Primary School. All of the children created work linked to the journey of Joseph, Mary and the donkey from the Christmas Story. 

RE Competition


We have taken inspiration from the Spirited Arts Award by NATRE and taken part in a school-wide RE and art competition with the focus being on 'A Green World.'

Please have a look at our talented artists.
