
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Class 6

Welcome to Class 6's Webpage


cheekyCONGRATULATIONS Year 6.cheeky 

noWe've survived SATs!!!no

I'm really proud of the effort and attitude you showed during SATs week.

You all did your very best and that's all  I could ask of you. 

Here's looking forward to some fantastic results and lots of memory making to end our year together.

heartWell done Guys xxxheart  



Here you will find lots of useful information and links to help you with our learning this year.

We will also celebrate each other's achievements and you will also get to see some of our work displayed and lots of photos of the things we've been up to.

Here's to an exciting and educational final year together!!


Mrs Juster   x

Manchester: Remembering the 22

Our EGGcellent Easter Egg Competition

Chocolate Topic Event Day
