
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5

Miss Ellershaw

The Star of the week this week is:
Isaac Quinn
Isaac has had a fantastic week! He has been very well focused in class and has been a Green All Week pupil; Well done!

Last week's star of the week was:

Oscar Newton
Scarlett got star of the week for her maths work. She is continuing to focus and improve her confidence in maths, keep up the hard work.

This week in maths we will be working on:
Prime Numbers

This week in English we will be working on:


Jeremy Strong

Spelling pattern- - cial/tial

Grammar focus- modal verbs

Our focus in Science this half-term is:


Our Topic this half-term is:

What would the Three Peak Challenge look like around the world?



Homework due in on Friday:

This week's spellings are getting trickier, make sure you take time each night to practice them so you are fully confident for the test.


  • Spellings are given on a Monday and tested the following Monday
  • Maths and Grammar homework is given on a Friday and must be returned the following Friday.
  • Extra homework can be given any time for other subjects and one week will be given for this as well.