
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5's Webpage

Here you will find useful information and websites to help your child with their learning.
We will also share photos of our classroom environment, activities we complete and events we take part in.

Here's to a good year together.

Mrs Juster

Autumn 1

This term our topic will be The Tudors. 
We will be investigating life during this time and trying to answer the question:
"Was Henry VIII Really so Horrible?"

Autumn 2

This term's topic is Mountains.
We will be discovering what the Three Peaks Challenge is and asking the question:
"What would the Three Peak Challenge look like around the World?"

Spring Term
This term's topic is the Ancient Greeks.  
We will be focusing on the main question of:
'What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?'

We will explore their government, great thinkers, architecture and the Olympics as well as looking at their belief in many gods and goddesses, the foods they ate and clothes they wore and some of their famous battles.
We will also link a lot of our English work into this topic reading many Greek myths and enjoying our new class novel 'Percy Jackson and the lightning thief'.

Summer Term

This term's topic is:
'What's so cool about the USA?'
During this topic we will be looking at the geography of the USA including where it is, what borders it and the states included.

We will look at geographical features and important and iconic landmarks.
We will also look at popular culture in the USA including art, music and food.
