
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Year 5 - Hazel

Welcome to Year 5 

Hazel Class

Here you will find lots of information and updates on the exciting things were are doing throughout the year! 

Miss Beardmore 

Class Information 

In Summer term, Year 5 will have PE on a Monday and Friday. Children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days. 


Homework will be set weekly and emailed to children via Purple Mash every Friday. Children should practise their spellings on Spelling Shed weekly, as well as continuing to practise their times tables on TT Rockstars

Below you will find pictures of our class throughout the year!

Flamenco dancing for Spanish Day!

Our celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee!

Year 5 baked our own flapjacks for the Platinum Jubilee cake sale!

03.03.22 - For World Book Day today, we all came in dressed as different colours! Have a look at some of our outfits:

We held a competition for World Book Day where children had to decorate a wooden spoon as a character from a book. Here are our fantastic entries!

11/02/22 - Today we celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week by coming to school dressed in something that expresses our identities and who we are. Here are our outfits:

05/01/2022 - Year 5 had our first go on our brand new Trim Trail today!

16/12/2021 - Today we celebrated with our Christmas Party! Here are some pictures of us playing games, eating party food and dancing.

Reindeer Visit - 6/12/21: Today in school we were visited by some of Santa's reindeer! The children went to stroke the animals and even got told to hold some real reindeer antlers!

Spooky Day - 15th October 2021: Year 5 created their own potions and then wrote a recipe to instruct people of how to make them!

Spooky Day - 15th October 2021: Have a look at our spooky costumes!

Hello Yellow Day - 8th October 2021
