
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


This half term our focus in maths will be multiplication and division. Just before the Christmas break we recapped the 3 and 8 times table facts. We then were introduced to the 6 and 9 times tables facts!

Over the coming weeks we will be looking at the 7s, 11s and 12s times tables and learning how to multiply 3 numbers together.

In Year 4 children are expected to complete a times tables check. It is a new statuatory assessment set by the government to take place in the summer term. Children will need to know all 12 of their times tables.


To practise children can use:

TT Rockstars

Hit the Button


In class we listen to Times Tables songs on Youtube or BBC Supermovers: 


We also play times table bingo and the children all have their own set of times tables cards to use to help them to practise. 
