
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Year 6 - Oak

Welcome to our Class Page smiley


Here you will find lots of useful information and links to help you through our time together in Year 6. 

We will also share lots of photos of the activities we do and the work we produce.

Please also keep up-to-date with Purple Mash as all our communication throughout the year will take place on there through 2email.

Your homework instructions will also be emailed on there each week too.


Here's looking forward to a great year together!yes

RobinWood - Ridge Group - Caving, Crate Challenge, Giant Swing & Archery

RobinWood - Mountain Group - Caving, Knight Quest and Dungeons

Father's Day cards - Wow, how impressive!

Circus Skills - Just clowning around in Year 6!!!

April Fools Day Prank - I got you!!!!!!

April Fools Day


So, after looking up our school on Google Earth recently we were surprised to see that we were still just a building site and that the old school was still standing.


The children were told a drone would be flying over at 9:55am to update the images on Google earth.  Of course we wanted to be on them so out we went with the plan of spelling out YEAR 6 so we'd always be remembered. 

Much excitement!!!! 

After lots of organising and lying still and silent (so that we could hear the drone and wouldn't 'blur' the pictures) it was revealed (to my delight) that I'd got them...  

APRIL FOOL guys!!!!! 


Easter Egg Competition

Christmas dinner - Our last at Greenfield Primary!

For Children in Need this week we looked at the 'Five to Thrive' sessions.  These consisted of 5 important things which help us look after our wellbeing and mental health.

1. Connect - We looked at why friendships are important and what makes a good friend

2. Take notice - We completed journals each day where we set ourselves targets and reflected on our day.  We also looked at GoNooodle activities which help develop our concentrations skills and being in the moment.

3. Get active - We looked at how being active helps boost our energy and helps us stay positive

4. Be curious - We discussed how trying new things and completing challenges makes us feel good.  We challenge ourselves with some tangram problems

5. Give - We looked at how giving not only help those who we give to but also makes us feel good about ourselves.  We've set ourselves a 'Reverse Advent Calendar' to complete from now until Christmas where will will do a random act of kindness each day.

Have a look at the photos below to see what we got upto!

The Boy, the Mole, the fox and the Horse - Inspirational artwork & Quotes

Remembrance Day - Poppy Making

Virtual Mile - We entered a competition to run a mile and recorded our best times

Hello Yellow - Enjoying a book to help us relax and unwind
