Super Simple Buns
An activity packed with learning opportunities for little ones. Simply weigh out eggs, caster sugar, self raising flour and butter in equal measures.(2 eggs makes about 6 buns) Use the all-in method and bake until golden. Get creative and add different flavours!
We would love to see more of your baking on Tapestry!
Paint a rainbow and stick it in your window to bring smiles to passers-by.
When out for a walk, see if you can spot any rainbows that other children have painted.
Rebecca's Playdough Recipe
2 cups plain flour,
1 cup salt,
3 tbsp cream of tartare,
4 tbsp oil
2 cups water
Add food colouring, glitter and scent if desired.
Your child may want to combine all of the above ingredients in the pan before you transfer it to the hob. Warning, this may be messy.
Heat and stir until the mixture forms a firm dough. Leave to cool, kneed and play the day away!
Make a den
Dry-wipe pens and small whiteboards for name writing.