
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


Find below some daily White Rose reasoning and problem solving activities to have a go at. If you want to watch a lesson for each day, go to the White Rose Home Learning Page (link below) and you can find video lesson tutorials for each day. 


Please complete the daily activities above. The answers will be uploaded here on Friday along with a Friday maths challenge! 


If you are unsure don't hesitate to email us on purple mash and ask. 


It would also be great if you could send us the work that you have done on purple mash (take a picture or as a document) so that we can see how you are getting on. 

Missing Angles in Triangles | How to Find the Missing Angle of a Triangle Step by Step

Welcome to Missing Angles in Triangles with Mr. J! Need help with how to find the missing angle of a triangle step by step? You're in the right place! Whethe...
