
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Maple - Year 2 / Year 3


Welcome to Year 2/3 Maple. My name is Mrs Dench and I am your child’s class teacher. 


This year we will be teaching your  children reach their full potential and make good progress across all areas of the curriculum. We are looking forward to working with your child and helping them on their journey throughout this academic year.


In Year 2/3, we will be focusing on supporting all pupils to become confident readers. We will be participating in guided reading and whole class reading four times each week. We will also be ensuring all pupils have access to a wide and varied curriculum - which is lots of fun! For the year 2 pupils it is an important year because pupils take part in their end of Key Stage statutory assessments and begin their transition into Key Stage 2. 


Day of the week 
MondayPE Day

Reading Books to be brought to

school for individual pupil reading


Reading Books to be brought to

school for individual pupil reading

ThursdayReading books to be returned

PE Day

Spelling Test 

New reading books sent home

Homework to be returned 

New homework sent out



Homework will be set using Spelling Shed and a paper writing and maths task will be sent home each week. We are also encouraging Year 2 pupils to practise their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables and Year 3s to practise their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. 


It is very important for you to help and support your child at home with learning these spellings and times tables. Reading at home should be done daily and parents should comment in their child’s reading record so we know they have read at home. Reading books should be in school every day for individual reading with the class teacher and other adults within the school.  Reading books will be changed every Thursday and sent out again on Friday. From time to time, pupils may need to keep a book for longer to help them to consolidate their reading or comprehension skills.



Throughout the year we aim to keep parents, carers and families well informed as to what we have been up to. You can follow our journey on our class webpage which will update every half term.


Spanish Day! Flamenco Dancing

Year 2 and Year 2 Local Area walk and park visit

Design and Technology - Testing packaged shop sandwiches before planning and creating our own 🥪🥗

Allstars Cricket May 2023

SCARF PSHE Workshop 29.3.23

World Book Day ! Today we shared books and enjoyed reading with Year 6 📚

SCARF Week This week, we wore our scarves to school and learned about what SCARF stands for. ‘Safety, Caring, Achievement an Friendship’

10.02.23 This half term, Maple class have been learning different types of stitches and this week they have been learning to sew using a running stitch.

Art Week ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’

Autumn 1 Music ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ song

Still image for this video
This term we have been learning how to sing the song ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ by Joanna Mangora. We enjoyed using pulse, rhythm and pitch as we listened to and sang different styles of African music.

20.10.22 Georgia O'Keeffe


After lots of exploration and practise, Year 2/3 have created some beautiful art pieces in the style of the famous artist 'Georgia O'Keeffe.' Throughout Autumn 1, we have drawn different types of plants from around the world. Today, we created our final drawing of a desert plant and focused on the size and colour of our drawings.


29.9.22 Science Day!


Today Year 2/3 Maple class were scientists and had fun participating in the Sublime Science Workshop. Our favourite experiment was using the different types of liquids to create a tornado in a bottle!


28.09.22 Coding


As computer technologists, Year 2/3 used Purple Mash to practise executing algorithms. The children enjoyed using the controls to programme the plane's movement.
