Home Learning packs will be coming home with your child tonight. Please feel free to work through these with your child supporting them as needed.
Please visit the recommended websites/links that have been suggested in the packs.
The children have been given logins for both Spelling Shed and Purple Mash and work will be set on these websites regularly.
Please also ensure you use this time to do non-academic activities and have lots of fun too! For example, you could do some baking, paint pictures, play in the garden, write a diary, exercise regularly, share stories, listen to audio books, listen to music, play board games or junk model!
We will keep in touch with you via these class pages so please check them on a regular basis for any updates.
Above all else, keep healthy and safe and we will see you soon.
Mrs Snape, Miss Cassinelli and Mrs Devy.
Parents please check your email for a link to activate your parent access to your child's Tapestry Online Learning Journal. Here you will be able to look back through previous observations of your child, like and comment on them and share photos with staff of the things you have been doing whilst at home.
We have already received some lovely photos on Tapestry and will check this regularly. Thanks.
A very warm welcome to our class page from Reception Ash.
Check below to keep updated with all the fun learning and activities that take place in our classroom!
The children have been really enjoying their Forest Explorer sessions!
9th-13th March 2020
This week the whole school celebrated Sports Relief and took part in lots of activities.
Monday- Aerobics exercises
Tuesday- Beat the Goalie with Mr Craddock
Wednesday- Outdoor Steps Challenge
Thursday- Learning all about Sports Relief and Healthy Eating
Friday- All day Danceathon
Wednesday 4th March 2020
Today, the whole school celebrated World Book Day. It was Harry Potter themed and we loved seeing the different characters and outfits. The children did lots of different activities throughout the day and really enjoyed it!
Teddy Bear's Picnic
Today the Reception children held a teddy bear's picnic! The children helped to prepare and make the food, set up the picnic and serve the food to each other. The children, the teddy bears and staff all had a wonderful time.
Picnic time for teddy bears!
Wednesday 15th January 2020- Today, we had an Eco-Day at school to help raise money for the bush fires in Australia. The whole school took part and we wore green and yellow, the colours of the Australian flag. We took part in lots of activities such as recycling, designing posters for a competition and watching videos. Reception had a lovely day and really enjoyed it!
Here are some facts the children learnt during Eco-Day:
Annabelle- "Litter can be dangerous for animals."
Darcey- "Always put litter in the bin!"
Vinny- "Never leave the taps running when we brush our teeth and always turn the taps off to save water."
Dougie- "We need to make sure we turn lights off when we leave a room to save electricity."
Well done everyone!
Thursday 19th December 2019
We have had a lovely final day in Reception Ash before the Christmas holidays! Today we were allowed to bring a toy into school and we have really enjoyed playing with our toys and sharing with our friends.
Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy New Year!
16.12.19- Today, Reception and Nursery had their Christmas party. We played games, danced, had lots of yummy party food and we even had a very special visitor!
13.12.19- Today, the School Council organised a Christmas sing-along in the hall. Every class from Nursery to Year 6 took part and it was lots of fun! Reception performed the song 'Nazareth' from the film 'Nativity'. We were very proud of how well everyone sang, especially our brave soloists! Here is our rehearsal before we went into the hall. Well done Reception!
Wednesday 4th December- Today, both Nursery and Reception were very excited! The pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk' came to school and we spent the morning enjoying the show! It was very funny and we loved joining in with the singing and dancing! We all had a great time!
Week Commencing- Monday 14th October 2019
This week the whole school celebrated Black History Week. Nursery and both Reception classes learnt all about Garrett Martin, the inventor of the Traffic Lights. We had a joint assembly with Nursery where we had lots of fun and learnt songs about traffic lights and watched videos.
In class, we used tissue paper, shiny paper and glitter to create our own traffic lights and we also made a class display all about traffic lights and linked it to our Maths learning.
We have really enjoyed celebrating Black History Week!
Thursday 10th October 2019
Today, the whole school wore yellow for Mental Health Awareness Day. In Reception Ash, we had a circle time and talked to Boris Bear about lots of things that make us happy.
Miss Cassinelli- Walking my dog
Mrs Devy-Spending time with my family
Theo D- Going to school
Hayden- Stroking my cat
Aahil- Being at home with my Mum and Dad
August- Jumping on my trampoline
Louie- Going on holiday
Sofia- Seeing my two teachers at big school
Vinny- Playing with my friends
Dougie- Stroking my dog
Annabelle- Holding my pet lizard
Alby- Dressing up
Olivia- Playing with my friends
Tahlia- Playing in my garden
Darcey- Getting hugs from my Mummy
Zoey- Going to the park
Isabel- Cuddling my teddy bear
Gruffalo Song
For Poetry day on Thursday 3rd October 2019, each class performed a piece of poetry in a whole school assembly. Both Reception classes joined together for this activity and were learning all about the Gruffalo and sang a song about him. We had lots of fun!
Wednesday 11th September 2019
This morning we became artists and drew self-portraits. We used mirrors to look at all our different facial features and identified colours, shapes and sizes.
We also explored a drum today within our phonics lesson and discussed what sounds it makes, what it looks like and how you use it. Afterwards, we each had a turn at playing either a loud or quiet sound on the drum and clapping along and we really enjoyed making Miss Cassinelli and Mrs Devy jump with our loud sounds!
Tuesday 10th September 2019
Today we took part in a listening walk around school with our friends in the other Reception class. We used the magical ears to help us listen to lots of sounds. We explored both loud and quiet sounds and talked about the differences and heard lots of things both inside and outside school. We had lots of fun!
We have had a wonderful first week in Reception exploring the new classroom, playing games, singing songs and making lots of new friends.
We also had our first PE lesson with our Reception friends in the Elm class! We had lots of fun together!
Applying for a place in ReceptionOldham Council Website - You can still apply for a Reception place at Greenfield Primary School for 2019/20 school year by completing an In-year transfer form.
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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