
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Meet the Governors

Welcome to the Greenfield Primary School Governors’ Web Page.


Our governing body meets twice per term when we discuss a variety of items depending on the time of year, and the current issues facing school. For example, we will look at the school budget, ensure all the relevant polices and procedures are in place, confirm admission arrangements, receive updates from Oldham governor forums or hear about the latest government requirements concerned with the running of schools. A very varied and interesting agenda!

Instrument of Government

Publication of Governor's Details and Registration of Interest

*Updated October 2023*


Mike Wood:
Category of Governor: Headteacher,
Not related to a partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
No business, personal or pecuniary interests: member of staff.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.

Tony Wild:
Category of Governor: Parent, Chair of Governors
Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
Business, personal or pecuniary interests:  Parent of two children in school.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.


Lyndsey Egan:
Category of Governor:  Co-opted,
Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
No business, personal or pecuniary interests: member of staff
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.


Rebecca Porter:
Category of Governor:  Staff Governor
Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
No business, personal or pecuniary interests: member of staff.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.

Mary Hewson:
Category of Governor:  Coopted Governor
Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
No business, personal or pecuniary interests.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.

Jack Clarke:
Category of Governor: Coopted Governor,
Not related to a partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff. 
Business, personal or pecuniary interests: Education resources company / Interactive education platform
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.  

Sophie Bardsley:
Category of Governor: Parent Governor Governor,

Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
Business, personal or pecuniary interests:  Parent of one child in school.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school. 

Lindsay Greenhalgh:
Category of Governor:  Coopted Governor

Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
No business, personal or pecuniary interests.
Not a governor/director or trustee at another school.


Zoe Reuter:
Category of Governor:  Parent Governor

Not related to partner/spouse or close relative of any member of staff.
Business, personal or pecuniary interests: Parent of one child at school. Director of Education resource company, supplying to schools and nurseries.
Governor/director or trustee at another school: Governor at Holden Clough Primary School.

End of Term of Office


