Homework will be set every Friday and will be due back in school on the following Friday. Children will receive an email on Purple Mash each week explaining what their homework tasks are.
Homework will generally consist of:
- Spellings: Children will be tested on their spellings every Friday, and will need to access Spelling Shed at home to continue practising their weekly spellings throughout the week.
- Purple Mash 2dos: Tasks will be set to link to the Maths, English or Topic work that we have been covering in class throughout the week.
- TT Rockstars: Children should continue practising their times tables weekly using TT Rockstars.
- Reading: Children should be reading regularly at home, and should aim to have their reading record signed by an adult at home 3 times per week. Reading records will be sent home every Friday and will need to be brought back to school by Wednesday to allow us enough time to read with the children and change their reading book.