Welcome to our website. I hope you will find it a useful source of information about Greenfield Primary School.
Our school’s motto, ‘Excellence and Enjoyment for All’ encapsulates our daily commitment to fostering the best possible achievement among all pupils, regardless of their abilities, whilst placing happiness and safety at the heart of everything we do. The Greenfield team have incredibly high expectations of our pupils and believe in limitless potential.
My colleagues and I are proud to serve the community of Greenfield and have done so since 1912. Many of our families have had connections with the school which stretch back to its early existence and this continuity has allowed unique aims and values to be embedded in the fabric of school life. In 2019 Greenfield Primary School moved from its original Victorian building halfway down Shaw Street to our new, state of the art, facility built on the old school field site at the end of the street. Though the building may be modern, the values of our school remain. Greenfield Primary School prides itself on being ‘the village school’.
In order to fulfil our aims, staff provide a rich, ambitious and vibrant curriculum for all our pupils. We have a strong emphasis on pupil development in Reading, Writing and Maths, supported by consistently good outcomes in Key Stage 2 SATs. We are proud of the progress our children make in these subjects from the moment that they step through the school doors.
But the life of this school is about far more than that. In addition to our emphasis on Reading, Writing and Maths, we wish to see children flourish in anything the wish to do. Our curriculum is broad and balanced with a focus on educating the whole child. To this end, we offer a wide enrichment offer of extra-curricular clubs, from brass lessons to Lego club, football to art club, and many others in between.
Children are provided with opportunities to reach their potential but also to develop resilience, self esteem and social skills in order to grow as people. We place great importance on sport. Our school has been awarded the School Games Gold Mark for 3 years running in recognition of our promotion of healthy lifestyles and engagement with sport, within the curriculum and through extra-curricular activities. We also actively promote involvement with the performing arts. Children all benefit from a year of cornet lessons through our Year 4 curriculum, with many carrying on forming our school brass band. From the brass band to the choir to our rock ‘n’ roll band, children at Greenfield are provided with a wealth of opportunities to be brave and showcase their musical talents through concerts, assemblies and other performance opportunities in the local community. We firmly believe that these are wonderful opportunities for children to increase their confidence and abilities to work in a team, amongst many other things. We all know that school life should be about so much more than just Reading, Writing and Maths!
If you are a prospective parent and wish to learn more about Greenfield Primary School, please feel free to arrange a visit (see our contact page for further details on how to get in touch).
Mr B Storey