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earth early learn heard earn pearl search unearth earl rehearse
natural occasional actual accidental medical national capital vocal sensational personal
Fur Burn Urn Burp Curl Hurl Surf Turn Turnip Curds
Spelling Test Date: Thursday 10th June
Spellings will now be tested on Thursdays and new spellings will be introduced in class each Friday and sent home to practise for the following Thursday.
We encourage all children to use each Thursday to test their knowledge of the Year 3 and Homophone words which are set for the year.
The more that you practise these words, the more that you will be able to spell them correctly at ease each day in your writing.
Royal Bee status by Friday will be awarded 500 honeypots.
Soldier Bee status will be awarded 300 honeypots.
Star Speller this week is:
Spelling Shed Leader is:
Total Spelling Shed Leader: