
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


During our literacy lessons we have been reading and writing about 'Biscuit Bear'. We enjoyed icing and decorating our own biscuit bears and writing instructions on how to do it.

This week, we ventured into our Winter Wonderland with our Year 5 reading buddies. Year 1 and Year 5 enjoyed sharing lots of different stories with each other. 

We also wrote letters to Santa together. Both classes enjoyed buddying up and had a fantastic day together. 

Our Teddy Bears’ Picnic. In literacy this week we are learning all about writing instructions. Today we each had a turn at giving instructions on how to make jam sandwiches for our teddy bears’ picnic.

Year 1 have been fantastic at acting out 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' during our independent learning time.

Still image for this video

'We're Going on a Bear hunt' has been our focus book for writing over the past couple of weeks. Children have acted out the story, re-written parts of the book and created their own animal hunt stories! I have been super impressed with Year 1's enthusasm, engagement and writing skills during our English sessions.

Over the past few weeks we have been doing some amazing writing! We kicked off the new school year writing monstrous adjectives! The children each created their own monster and wrote sentences including adjectives to describe them!
