
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.



Year 3 are focusing on writing newspaper articles in English this week, so today we explored our own newspapers! Whilst we did this, we looked out for the key features and also tried to find the 5Ws in each article.


For fairy tale fortnight, we are looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood, however we will be retelling the story from a different character’s perspective. Today, we chose another character from the story and interviewed each other to discover how that character saw the story that we are used to.


Year 3’s new class novel is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! We found different words linked to our book around school, and then decided whether these words were nouns, verbs or adjectives. We discovered lots of new vocabulary, and then used these to write our own paragraphs all about the book so far. 


Today we began to look at quest stories. Year 3 will be writing narratives based in the Stone Age, with their character going on a quest to find the perfect setting for them to settle and live in. We went on a treasure hunt to search for the perfect place, talked about why it would or wouldn't be a good place and then decided on our favourite setting. 
