Welcome to Maple Class
Miss Brooks
Miss Harrison
Year 2 children
Welcome to our class page. We will update our class page on a regular basis and share our latest learning and any exciting news.
A message from Miss Bradley
The children and myself have worked together for the past year as I was lucky enough to teach my class in Year One. I am excited to be working with the children for another year as I cannot wait to watch them further learn and develop. Year Two is an exciting year as it is our final year in the infants before moving up into the juniors. I am very proud of the children in my class and I look forward to sharing lots of photographs, work and ideas on our class page.
Maple class has lots of mini mathematicians.
The children in Year 2 have been working super hard during our maths sessions. We have been focusing on addition and subtraction over recent weeks. The children have been provided with lots of challenges during each session and they are becoming very good at explaining their answers and demonstrating their workings out. Please take a look at our photographs. You will see just how well we are able to work in small groups or with a partner as well as working independently.
Diary Entry
We are currently working hard to produce our own diary entry during our English sessions. We have made our own meerkats and they are travelling to new places and experiencing different things. We are recording our meerkats experiences through independently writing a diary entry.
We have been focusing on something new each session. We have considered the following things when completing our writing -
- using a range of adjectives
- using similes to describe our experience at the beach
- using expanded noun phrases
We have been reading Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram during our English lessons. We have completed lots of work based around this book and we designed our own aliens during one of our lessons last week. We then worked hard to independently write a character description about our aliens. Miss Bradley and Miss Harrison are very impressed with our character descriptions and are thrilled with the different vocabulary used.
- I can give and follow an algorithm to turn left or right
We had lots of fun during our Computing session. We went to the dance studio and provided our peers with instructions on how to get to their chosen item. It was very interesting when asking our peers to turn left or right. Some of us got a little mixed up and needed to use the helpful reminder taught by Miss Bradley.