
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Key Information

Please find below important documents and information about our school.


DfE Guidance 5th November 2020:

Performance tables are suspended for 2019 to 2020 academic year.

Multiplication Tables Check 2023 - Year 4 - Information for Parents

We have no school employees earning more than £100,000.  Please see benchmarking link below.

DfE Benchmarking web link


Following the request of pupils and survey of parents, here is the new uniform with logo for when we moved into our new building following the expansion of our school.  The girl modelling our new tops created the new school logo.  These are available at Simply Schoolwear on Chew Valley Road.  Summer dresses are green and white going forward and all other uniform items can be bought from any supermarket / retailer.

School Uniform and Pre-Loved School Uniform

  • At Greenfield Primary School we endeavour to support all families to access school uniform by keeping items with a school logo to a minimum, and all items can be purchased either with the school logo or from supermarkets and high street stores without the school logo. 
  • Our PE kit does not have a school logo and again can be bought from supermarkets and high street stores.
  • Used uniform is often donated to school and pre-loved uniform is available for families who require support; voluntary donations are warmly welcomed. 
  • Greenfield Primary PTA regularly organize pre-loved uniform sales for a small voluntary donation.  The PTA sorts through the uniform items, organizing them by type and by size so that is easier for families to see what is available. 
  • Please do not hesitate to talk about your school unform needs to staff in the school office who are more than happy to help.

Useful Web Links
