
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Home Learning Links

Below are some useful links to help with home learning. 

Maths Resources
English Resources

Spelling Activities: 

  • Make a dictionary of your spelling words to find the meaning of each one
  • Write a sentence containing each of your spellings 
  • Practise joining your spellings in your neatest handwriting 
  • If the word has a suffix or prefix, think about what the root word was 
  • Join our weekly class Hives on a Friday (information sent on email)

Extra writing activity ideas: 

  • Write the next chapter of a book you're reading 
  • Write to the author of a book to tell them what you thought of it 
  • Write a book review 
  • Watch a film and write a film review 
  • Watch an episode of a TV programme and create a comic strip showing what will happen in the next episode 
  • Keep a diary 
  • Write a formal letter (e.g. to the government) 
  • Write an informal letter (e.g. to your friends)
  • Write some instructions (you could do some baking or this could be instructions on an everyday activity)
  • Create a leaflet or poster about a place 
  • Watch Newsround and write a newspaper article based on one of the news stories 
Keeping Active 

20 Screen Free Activities to do at home:
