
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Sporting Achievements



We are very proud of our children at Greenfield Primary School and the sporting events that they participate in at both school and at home. Many of our children at Greenfield Primary attend local sporting clubs and participate in a range of sports out of school. As a school we welcome children to bring their certificates, medals and trophies into school so that Mr Wood or another member of staff can share them in whole school assemblies.

Please take a look at the children who have been working extra hard (out of school) in order to receive certificates, medals or trophies.


Please remember to send your child to school with any sporting achievements that they would like to share with the rest of the school. Any photographs that you would like to send to school would also be considered for our webpage. Photographs can be emailed to




Jessie and Thomas (in Y2) were happy to announce that they had both been working hard out of school at their chosen sporting activities. Jessie was happy to share her Orange Hat obtained from Swimming, whilst Thomas explained how he had hard been working hard at Cricket in order to obtain a Cricket Award.
A big congratulations to Jessie and Thomas!

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                      Finlay (in Y1) has worked           Edward (in Rec) has worked

                      hard at Swimming in order        his socks off during a Football

                      gain his swimming badge.          tournament. He says that he

                      Finlay told the whole school       tried his very best to score a

                      that he had to swim to the         goal. Well done Edward! 

                      wall and back. Well done

                      Finlay. Keep up the hard




