
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


During the autumn term, year 6 have covered:

  •  Place value of numbers up to 10 million
  •  Rounding whole numbers and decimals to 3 decimal places
  •  Negative numbers
  •  Adding and subtracting using formal written methods
  •  Multiplication and division using formal written methods
  •  Inverse operations 
  • Fractions
  • Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and integers
  • Position and direction - coordinates, rotation, reflection and translation
  • Ratio and proportion, including scaling
  • Worded problems for all four operations



Long Division With 2 Digit Divisors Song (Decimals & Remainders)

Long division with 2 divisors and demonstrating how to convert the remainder into a fraction or a decimal

Long Division with Remainders Song | 1 Digit Divisors

Video: Long Division with Remainders | 1 Digit Divisor Version Grade Levels: 3rd Grade - 4th Grade 🍎 Check out our ever-growing library of math songs at 🍎 ""-------------¤-------------""""-------------¤-------------"" Q. I'd like to show my students this video but my school blocks YouTube videos.

short division tutorial

This video tutorial supports the Year 6 Mini-Maths at It demonstrates and talks through a number of short division examples.
