5th January 2021
Please check Purple Mash for your daily home learning email. Login details for Spelling Shed and E Collins have also been emailed to you individually. Home learning packs are also available from the school office.
18th December 2020
Before we break up for the Christmas holidays your child will be given a home learning pack. This pack contains a selection of paper based activities for them to work through. There is no expectation that all of the pack needs to be completed, please complete what you feel is manageable. The children will also have a reading book and some key words to practise. Online learning will also be set in the usual way via Purple Mash.
Please visit this section of our class page if your child is unable to attend school due to self-isolation. I will set daily instructions for work via Purple Mash email so please check this regularly during the time your child is absent from school. The work set will be in line with what we would have been covering in class at the time of self-isolation.
In addition here are some ideas and suggestions below of activities that children could do at home:
Our topic for after October half term is 'Where do the wheels on the bus go?' ( This will also link to finding out what the children know about Great Britain for the Year 1 children). Suggested books that link to this topic are 'Naughty Bus' by Jan Oke and 'The Queen's Hat' by Steve Antony.
We are learning Phase 2 sounds in Phonics. Please help your child to become confident with the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m. Can they say the sounds, recognise the sounds and write the sounds? They could also try to read and write simple words using these sounds (sat, pat, pin, tin, nap, nip). Reception children are also trying to write their names by forming the letters correctly. Year 1 children are able to write sentences independently using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. They could keep a diary, make a shopping list or write a story. Year 1 children also have their weekly spellings to learn.
Please share picture books with your child. Can they retell the story by sequencing the main events? Can they talk about the characters and the setting? Help to foster a love of books and reading for pleasure. Audio books are also a nice idea.
In Maths the Reception children have been learning to match, sort and compare small amounts. They have been creating simple patterns and comparing sizes. The Year 1 children have been comparing amounts and numbers within 10. They have been finding one more and one less. They have been making sure that they form numerals correctly.
All children have also been sent home with a home learning pack.