
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

The Stone Age

The discovery of Skara Brae! During our topic lesson, we enjoyed becoming news reporters and archaeologists reporting on the discovery of Skara Brae.

On Monday 16th November, we learnt all about Stone Age Tools. We found out about different types of tools, what they were used for and how they were made. We then enjoyed having a go at following the steps to create hand axes.

On Thursday 12th November, Year 3 travelled back in time to see what it might have been like to draw their very own cave paintings, telling stories of their days. 


The children used crayons to create their images of humans, animals and weapons. We discussed that in the Stone Age, people would not have had access to pencils and crayons. Can you remember what materials they might have used instead? (If you are unsure, look back at the 360degree video to find out).

Stone Age Artwork
