Homework, spellings and reading books
Homework gets given out every Friday and is due in the following Friday. If you have any problems with completing homework or struggling please just let me know. Spare homework is kept in my classroom for those who have misplaced theirs. Just grab some!
New spellings are given out every Monday. These spellings are based upon a different spelling rule each week. On Monday pupils will have a pre-test each week to decide their group. Every day in class we will have an opportunity to work on the rule and spellings ready for our test on Friday. Any help from home would be appreciated. Spare spellings are with the homework.
All pupils have a reading book. These reading books are to be read at home and to be returned every Friday. If pupils have read their book just bring it in any day for it to be changed. Pupils might not have the opportunity to read their reading books in school as they will read numerous books within lessons.
Hope this information helps
Miss Egan