
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


Mythical, Magical Creatures

Non-Chronological Report

Non-Chronological Reports

To start the summer term, we are going to be imaginative and create mythical, magical creatures. We are going to explore original ideas and present these in a non-chronological report.


Here are some of the ideas we will be looking at:


- What is the name of your creature?

- What does it look like? Be descriptive!

- Where does it live? Why does it live there?

- What does it eat? How does it find food?

- Does it have magical powers to protect itself?


Be creative and let your imagination run wild!!frown

The Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura

Diary Entry

Diary Entries

During our recent topic lessons, we have read the book called

The Stone Age Boy.

The book is about a little boy who is walking along, suddenly stumbles and falls down... into the Stone Age! He meets a little girl around his own age and her family, and learns all about their way of life. He  learns how to make clothes, tools and weapons. When going into a deep, dark cave a furious bear attacks and unexpectedly the little boy wakes up in his own time. Everybody tells him it was an imaginative dream! But was it?mail


As a class, we have been working extremely hard on imagining we was the little boy or little girl that fell down into the Stone Age. 

We recreated that day through various activities and wrote our own diary entries as if we had fallen down a deep, dark hole and landed in the mysterious Stone Age!!!

The children have been really excited about the Stone Age topic and enjoyed role playing their ideas to support their learning.

Gangsta Granny by David Walliams

Our Class Novel

Newspaper Articles

The children have absolutely loved reading this class novel so far, after being introduced to it during World Book Day. This is now our class novel and we are using it to support us in our English lessons. We have just finished our newspaper articles for our big write on the Queen's Crown Jewels being stolen!

We are extremely excited to read more and find out how this actually happened in the book!!frown

World Book Day 2018
