
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Reception/Year 1 - Ash

Welcome to Reception/Year 1 Ash!

Miss Cassinelli

Mrs Devy



A very warm welcome to our class page from Reception/Year 1 Ash.

Check below to keep updated with all the fun learning and activities that take place in our classroom!

Tuesday 29th June 2021

Today, we celebrated the 2021 Tokyo Olympics and held an Olympics Day at school. We had so much fun and did lots of different activities, including designing Olympic logos, collaging medals, learning about the Olympic flame, playing games involving the Olympic rings and we even had the opportunity to see some signed Olympic memorabilia signed by famous Olympic boxers such as Anthony Joshua!

It has been a wonderful day! Well done Everyone!

Friday 25th June 2021

Today we had a Rainbow themed day to celebrate Pride. We did some dancing, collaging, colouring, and had a circle time where we talked about being kind to each other and valuing differences. The children learnt all about what the word 'compliment' means and were set a challenge to give compliments to their friends throughout the day. We all had a lovely day celebrating Pride!

Wednesday 16th June 2021

Today, we had the 'Circus Sensible' in school. They taught us how to perform lots of different circus tricks including: spinning plates, juggling scarves and balancing a peacock feather. We had so much fun and the teachers did too!

Thursday 27th May 2021

Today, we had lots of fun learning how to do a traditional maypole dance. The teachers really enjoyed it too!

Friday 7th May 2021

Today was Number Day for the NSPCC. The children took part in lots of number themed activities, played Bingo and sang number songs.  

Everyone looked amazing in their super number outfits!

Well done!

The children have been doing taking part in lots of fun Easter-themed activities this week. Well done everyone! We hope you have a lovely Easter break and will see you very soon!

Easter Competition Entries

Red Nose Day 2021

12th February 2021

We enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. We took part in a dragon dance and we played instruments. 


Still image for this video

Friday 29th January 2021

This week in maths we have been looking at weight. We have been using balancing scales to compare the weight of different objects and introduced mathematical terms such as: heaviest and lightest. 

Today, we used kitchen scales to compare the weights of different ingredients. We followed a recipe and baked our own biscuits. We had lots of fun and they tasted delicious! 

I have attached the simple recipe we used below if our home learners want to have a go at baking some biscuits at home too!


100g butter

50g caster sugar

150g self-raising flour


1. Mix the butter and caster sugar together in a bowl with a wooden spoon. 

2. Sieve the flour into the mixture and mix well. 

3. Use your hands to make the ingredients into a dough, then separate into small balls and make biscuits shapes. 

4. Place biscuit shapes onto a greased baking tray and place in a preheated 180°C oven for 12-15 minutes until golden brown. 

5. Leave biscuits to cool and then enjoy!


Monday 4th January 2020

As the children have been practising their name writing, they will now be signing in every morning instead of posting their names into the box. The Reception children will be writing their first names and the Year 1 children will be writing their full names. It would be brilliant if you could keep practising this at home too!

Everyone did a super job today. Well done Ash Class!

Reception Children's Christmas Song 2020

Still image for this video

Monday 14th December 2020

Today, we had an unexpected video message from Father Christmas! He knew all of our names and what we all wanted for Christmas, including the teachers! Mrs Devy found a sack full of selection boxes for all of the children outside our classroom that he had left for us. A few of us even thought we heard reindeer hooves landing on the roof! We were so excited!

Monday 7th December 2020

Today, both Ash and Elm classes had their Christmas parties. We had so much fun! We sang songs, danced, played games and ate lots of party food! We had a brilliant time! Merry Christmas everyone!


Christmas has started in Reception Ash! We hope you like our displays!

Friday 13th November 2020- Children In Need!

We have had a fantastic day for Children in Need. We all came dressed in non-uniform with a mixture of spotty and sporty clothes. We discussed how we are helping families and children across the UK by raising money. We did some superhero dancing because the children said they felt like superheroes by helping all of the children in need. We made Pudsey masks, did some spotty bandana finger painting and talked about how Pudsey is the colour yellow and represents happiness.


We also had a very special visitor today! The friendly bear from the 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story came to talk to us. He told us he'd love to be our friends and we asked him lots of questions and learnt lots of interesting bear facts. 

Unfortunately, the bear had to say goodbye as he was off to hibernate with his bear cubs for the winter!


What an exciting day!


Friday 23rd October 2020

Today we had a fantastic Spooky day at school. We explored the inside of a pumpkin, coloured and decorated masks and did some super dancing. Everyone really enjoyed it and we loved seeing all your super costumes! 

Have a lovely half term and we will see you very soon! smiley

Wednesday 7th October 2020

Today we have been recapping the sounds 's a t p i n'. We sat in a circle and took it in turns to match the pictures up to each initial letter sound. Well done everyone!

Check out our amazing new window displays!

In Literacy we have been learning about the Rainbow fish and made our own fish and underwater scene.

Also, as part of Black History Week we have been learning all about Martin Luther King.

Monday 21st September 2020

Today we were learning all about the human body and the different body parts. Elliot volunteered so we drew around him and took it in turns to label each part of the body. Fantastic work everybody!



Thursday 17th September 2020

Today, we had a circle time and talked about what makes a good friend. We then took it in turns to discus different types of behaviour and whether they were friendly or unfriendly and we then put the pictures in the correct box on the carpet and individually at our tables.

Tuesday 15th September 2020

Today we had a circle time and discussed as a class the emotion 'happy'. We passed around Patrick the penguin and told him what makes us happy. Here is what each child said:

Iris: "Cuddling my baby sister."

Elaine: "Playing at school."

Lincoln: "Watching PJ Masks films."

Bella: "Playing with my step-sister."

Emily: "Playing with my dolls house."

Archie: " Cuddling my dog, Ruby."

Reggie: "Playing with my robots."

Jackson: "Eating sweeties."

Mia: "Singing Frozen songs."

August: "Playing video games."

Henry: "Playing with my train tracks."

Luna: "Playing with my dolls house with Bing and Flop."

George: "Playing with my new friend in Reception."

Noah: "Playing with my little cousin."

Elliot: ""Cuddling my teddy, Warla."

Michael: "Playing video games."

Sidney: "Playing Mario games with my brother."


Friday 11th September 2020

The children have had a fantastic first week in Reception! We are so proud of how the children have settled and have enjoyed a busy and exciting week exploring their new classrooms and equipment and making lots of new friends. It has also been lovely to meet all our new parents too! We are also very pleased with our Year 1 children who have quickly settled back into school life and routines and have been working very hard. 


This week we have shared the story 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas.

We have had lots of class discussions about the story and the children have produced some lovely work which will contribute to a colourful classroom display and a display on the Dance Studio windows. Throughout the week, they have also created their own self portraits and taken part in circle times to talk about themselves and their families.



Well done Everyone !smiley

Our Colour Monster Classroom Display

We read the story together and talked about the different colours and how they are used to represent each emotion. We then separated these into jars and even came up with extra emotions that were not in the story such as: 'love, bored, tired, excited and peaceful.' The children then chose colours that best fit these new emotions. 

Super work everyone!
