
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Hazel - Year 5

Welcome to 

Hazel Class 

Here you will find lots of updates and information about what we are getting up to in Year 5!

Miss Beardmore

Homework in Year 5 

All homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected to be completed and returned to school the following Thursday.


Year 5 homework will include the following weekly activities:

  • Reading book – aim to read at least 3 times a week and get an adult to sign to say you have read at home. You may write your own comments in here. In your reading record, you can include school reading books as well as your own books from home.
  • Spelling Shed – practice your spellings at home ready for your Friday test.
  • TT Rockstars – practice your times tables weekly.
  • Sentence writing – Put your spellings into at least 5 sentences, or a paragraph. Your sentences should be written in your homework book, which should be brought back to school by Thursday at the latest.
  • Maths, Grammar or Reading activity – this will be sent home each week on paper.

Food Week - tasting and evaluating our finished savoury biscuits!

Food Week - making biscuits!

Food Week! - Food Tasting

Multicultural Dance for Diversity Week

Our finished dance!

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Christmas Dinner!
