
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Roald Dahl Week

The children had so much fun during Roald Dahl week. We looked at the story 'The Magic Finger' in English and predicted what would happen next as we read the story. The children thought about what if they hadn't turned into geese but what if they had changed into a different animal instead. We then designed our own character that had been turned into a goose by the girl.

We also looked at the life of Roald Dahl and learnt about different things such as what his favourite chocolate bar was and his favourite colour. We then got into groups and had a go at a Roald Dahl quiz to see what we remembered.

On Friday, we had a Roald Dahl dress up day. The children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite Roald Dahl characters. We watched a clip from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and we then designed and created our own sweets and chocolate bars.