Congratulations to our Star of the week for always being sensible and trying so hard ad really building your confidence in all areas. Well done!
A huge well done to this little girl for trying really hard with her Phonics this week! Well done!
Well done to our superstar for fantastic role model behaviour all week! Keep up the super work!
A huge well done to this little girl for trying so hard with her handwriting this week. Well done!
Well done to this little boy who has come into school every day this week with a huge smile on his face!
A huge well done to this little girl who always uses her manners, has a big smile on her face every single day and is such a kind friend!
Our superstar this week is this little boy who has tried so hard with his handwriting and writing full sentences. Well done!
Our superstar of the week for focusing so well all week during all your lessons and for trying really hard with your handwriting. Well done!
This little boy has been a superstar this week! He has tried so hard all week and has had a super attitude towards his learning. I am so proud of your independent writing this week. Well done!
A huge well done to this little boy for his presentation in Literacy this week. He has tried so hard to keep his letters on the line and has taken his time to remember to include full stops, capital letters and finger spaces in his writing. Keep up the super work!
Well done to our Star of the Week for trying so hard with her writing by using her Phonics knowledge to help her write words and for producing lots of work with lovely, neat handwriting. I am so proud. Keep up the super work!
I am so proud of this little boy who has had a fantastic first week in our school. He has settled really well into our classroom routines, followed instructions and has made lots of new friends. He has also completed every task with a huge smile on his face. Welcome to Greenfield Primary school. Well done!
A huge well done to our superstar of the week. The certificate this week goes to a little girl who has shown super behaviour and a fantastic attitude towards her learning. I am so proud of you!
I am so proud of this little boy for how hard he has been trying in class and especially with the Christmas nativity. He knew exactly when to get on the stage and what to do and joined in with every song and every action! Well done!
A huge well done to this little girl for trying so hard with her writing and trying to remember her full stops, capital letters and finger spaces. We are so proud of you!
Our superstar of the week for doing fantastic when practising the nativity all week and singing beautifully and remembering all of the actions! We are so proud of you. Well done!
Well done to our Star of the Week for trying so hard all week, especially with her spellings and for building on her confidence. I am so proud of you!
A huge well done to our Star of the Week for a super attitude towards learning and doing so well with his spellings. Keep up the super work!
Well done to this little boy for having a super attitude towards his learning all week! I am very proud of you!
Well done to our superstar of the week for putting 100% effort into every piece of work and always trying your best. I am so proud of you. Well done!
Our superstar of this week this week for coming into school every day this week with a huge smile on her face. I am very proud of you. Well done!
I am very proud of this little boy who is our Star of the Week. He has been trying so hard in class, particularly with the presentation of his writing. He has produced some amazing and neat work and has been trying to consistently remember his full stops, capital letter and finger spaces. Well done!
Well done to this little girl who has done some super sentence writing this week and has remembered to include capital letters, full stop and finger spaces. What a superstar!
We have two fantastic Stars of the Week this week!
Well done to Jacob for always trying his best in class and for doing super spellings. He has also settled so well into the Year 1 routines and structures and I am so proud.
Also, well done to this little girl who was another Star of the week! She has settled so well into Reception and tackles everything with a smile on her face and has been trying so hard with her writing!
A huge well done to this little boy for working so hard and trying his best in Year 1!
Our Star of the Week this week goes to a little boy who has settled so well into more structured Year 1 routines and has tried so hard with every activity he has completed this week. I am so proud of you. Well done!