Our overarching theme this term in English is 'Misfits'. We have met:
- August Pullman - A young, brave boy with a facial deformity
- Bradley Chalkers - A loveable character who struggles to make friends and behave himself but who learns to find the good in himself with the help of some unlikely friends.
- Little Freak - A young boy whose unfortunate appearance has lead him to a life in a circus / freak show
We have also looked at the song 'This is Me' in music and learnt to sign-along.
We have studied the Little Freak video for 2 weeks. We have discussed the film, how the character feels, how he is treated, why he doesn't speak his mind and what he wants from his life. We have written setting descriptions, turned the script into a story to use our dialogue skills and have written a diary in role as the boy.