
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


Whilst your child is with us in Nursery, we will encourage them to tune into sounds in a variety of ways. We aim to embed the skills which underpin sound discrimination for early reading and writing. Some of the activities we share in Phase 1 phonics sessions are attached in a series of shoert video clips below.


I have also added some links to games on useful websites. The children who are moving on to Reception next year have now begun Phase 2 phonics. This phase is where we introduce letters to the children one by one and explore words with the sound in. The sounds the children have learnt at Nursery so far are


s a t p i n m d g o 


SATPIN Words | Phonics Blending

Noisy box

Initial sounds 'odd one out' game

Silly soup

Segmenting and blending CVC words

Rhyming pairs
