Welcome to Reception's Class Page !!
Class Teacher: Miss Bradley
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs Hulme and Mrs Bottomley
Welcome to Reception. We have so much fun this year within class. All children have worked extremely hard throughout the year and we are now in the final term of Reception. The children will be completing lots of activities that will prepare them for their transition into Year 1.
We had lots of fun during our first P.E session on Tuesday 12th September 2017. The children tried really hard when getting themselves changed for P.E.
Please be aware that P.E will be on a Tuesday Afternoon. Please feel free to send your child with jogging bottoms and a sweatshirt as the weather gets a little colder. Children must wear suitable footwear in order to participate in P.E sessions.
Friday 15th September 2017
Mr Wood invited Reception's parents and carers into school this morning for a special assembly. The children in Reception stood at the front of the hall alongside Mr Wood to sing 'He's Got the Whole World in His Hands'. The children sang beautifully and joined in with the actions. We had a lovely time in assembly and we were so pleased to see lots of family members. Thank you for taking the time to join us in our special assembly.
The children have been working really hard in our phonic sessions over the past 2 weeks. We have played lots of games and worked together in small groups. At the moment we are learning a new sound every couple of days. It is really important that we take our time when learning new sounds so that we become very familiar and confident with each of them.
We have been thinking about different words that start with our chosen sound. For example, we thought of lots of words that begin with the sound m. Some of the words being..
mummy, monkey, money, milkshake, magnets.
The children worked in small groups to match a variety of pictures to their initial sound.
Mathematics - Number
We are fantastic at counting and recognising numbers in Reception. The children have been working really hard during our Mathematic sessions and the adults in class are extremely proud of each child.
We have been showing off our knowledge, understanding and skills of Mathematics in the outdoor area.
First we painted bottles of different shapes and sizes in various shades of green.
Miss Bradley then added numbers to each of our bottles so that we could line them up on the wall...
Are you able to guess what happened next?
We took it in turns to throw a ball to see whether we could knock down any of the bottles. If we were lucky enough to knock one down, we had to tell Miss Bradley the number on the bottle. Miss Bradley was very impressed at how well we could recognise each of the numbers.
Once we had knocked down all of the bottles, we worked as a team to line them back up again. Miss Bradley made it a little more challenging as we had to line them up in order from 1-10. We worked well as a team and managed to do this without any adult help.
The Daily Mile
The children in Reception love participating in The Daily Mile. We enjoyed celebrating in The Daily Mile Challenge on Friday 22nd September. We enjoyed walking with other children from Years 1 and 2.
On Thursday 28th September, we joined Year 4 for The Daily Mile. Miss Egan's class came out to do their Daily Mile at the same time as us. We enjoyed walking with children from the juniors.
Using Our Senses
This week we have been thinking about our senses. The children have discussed their favourite smells, sounds, sights and have also described what they love to taste and touch most. The children shared some lovely ideas and mummy and daddy were popular amongst children's favourite things to touch (cuddles) and smell (perfume/aftershave). Chocolate was also very popular amongst children as their favourite thing to taste.
As the week has progressed, we have completed various activities focusing on touch and smell. All children were provided with the opportunity to have a feel inside our 'feely tubs' in order to guess what they believed was hidden inside. We completed a similar activity in order to challenge our sense of smell. The children thoroughly enjoyed both activities and we had lots of fun completing each of them.
Please take a look at our photographs below.
On Monday 23rd October, PC Lee and PC Mark came into school to visit Reception. The children had thought of some questions that they wanted to ask the police officers. The officers very kindly answered the questions as well as showing the children some of their equipment.
Thank you to PC Lee and PC Mark for visiting our class.
The children had a very fun and exciting time learning about the Police
and why they are so important in the community.