
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


We have started our new Florence Nightingale topic. We have been learning all about who Florence Nightingale was and what she did. Year 1 have enjoyed acting out what it was like in hospitals in Scutari during the Crimean war and taking turns pretending to be Florence Nightingale. Some children even created their own props. What a great start to our new topic!

Well done to Year 1 for creating some fantastic Tudor houses! We have thoroughly enjoyed our topic sessions on the Great Fire of London.

Our trip to Rochdale Fire Museum!

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This half term our topic is ‘The Great Fire of London’. We have been learning about the difference between London in 1666 and London now which has sparked lots of interest, questions and discussions. We have been very excited and enthusiastic about learning when and how the fire happened and have enjoyed sequencing the events of the fire. During independent learning time some children chose to ‘build’ London and included lots of its famous landmarks including ‘Big Ben’ and the Tower of London.
