
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


This term Class 6 are studying the heart warming book 'Wonder' . 

We can't wait to finish it and see if the film lives up to the novel!!!

Why not watch the trailer to see what it's all about?

'WONDER' Official Trailer (2017) - Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson | TODAY

WONDER Trailer 2 (2017) Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson

As part of our work on 'Wonder' we have been looking at the books PRECEPT 'moto' '#CHOOSE KIND'


We have watched the video of kid president and were inspired to make our own.

Keep an eye out for our videos!

Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often

Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What would you add to it? Subscribe to SoulPancake for new videos every weekday!

Have a look at the videos we have made.

Kid President by SW ER EW AP.mp4

Still image for this video

Connors Fletchers and Sams Movie!!!!!!!!.mp4

Still image for this video