
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.


Our current Science topic is...


Living Things and their Habitats 



This week, we learned about the life cycle of insects. We particularly focused on the life cycle of a butterfly, and found out that butterflies go through metamorphosis, which means the adult butterfly looks completely different to the young. 
Class 5 used play dough to model the butterfly life cycle. Have a look at some of our creations below!


Year 5 have discovered the different life stages of amphibians such as frogs. Today, we created some dramatic performances to act out the life cycle of a frog!


Today, we began our new Science topic focusing on living things. We learned about the life cycle of a bird, and discussed how birds’ life cycles differ from mammals’, mainly because they lay eggs. 
Year 5 produced some brilliant diagrams showing what changes occur throughout a bird’s life. Have a look below at some lovely examples. 
