
Greenfield Primary School

Welcome to Greenfield Primary School.

Elm & Ash - Reception

Welcome to the Reception page! 

Hello and welcome to Elm and Ash class, here you will find information and updates on lots of exciting things we get up to this year! 


Miss Gabbidon, Mrs Mubiru,

Mrs Devy and Mrs Goodwinsmiley

A warm welcome to all children and parents who will be joining us in Reception in September 2023. We would like to share the slides with you from the introductory parents meeting on 16th May. Below we have included a link to the Early Years section of our website where you can find the slides from the meeting, videos and more! We look forward to seeing your child for their visit in July!

EYFS Coronation Celebrations

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Number Day

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The children in the EYFS classes enjoyed taking part in NSPCC number day.

This week, we have enjoyed making repeated patterns using shapes. We have also been learning about artists who use different shapes in their artwork. Ash class have been learning all about Paul Klee and Elm class have been learning about Kandinsky. We then enjoyed creating our own art inspired by their work

Happy New Year! We have had a very busy first week back in Reception. We have been learning all about 2D shapes and have enjoyed going on shape hunts around the classrooms. We have also been trying very hard with our writing and have been learning to punctuate sentences with capital letters and full stops.


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Stamps and Badges explained


In Reception through to Year 6, staff use stamps and badges as an incentive for positive behaviour. Each child has a stamp chart (starting with yellow), which all adults who work with them can contribute to. Stamps are awarded for making the right choices and for trying their best in their learning. Each stamp chart has space for 50 stamps. Some children in each year group have now earned their yellow badge and others are getting very close! We are currently awaiting a delivery of more badges in case your child says their chart is full but comes home without a badge. We hope this brief explanation helps you to better understand the system at home.



Maths Week! During maths week we have been focusing on measure. We have ordered objects according to size, measured the height and weight of different items and explored the capacity of a range of containers.

We have enjoyed reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have retold the story, made porridge, written recipes and lots more. We even had a visit from mummy bear!

This week, we have enjoyed reading, sequencing and retelling ‘The Three Little Pigs’ story.

We enjoyed dressing up and showing off our outfits for Spooky Day!

This week has been about all things Autumn. The children have enjoyed exploring natural materials to create a range of artwork inspired by the changing seasons.

This week, we have enjoyed reading the Rainbow fish and taking part in lots of activities which link to the story. We have been catching different amounts of fish in the maths area, fishing for the ‘phonics fish’ and creating Rainbow fish collages.

We have had a very creative week writing poems and making rockets, enjoying messy play and building block houses for the Smeds and the Smoos!

We have enjoyed learning about The Colour Monster and learning the phonics sounds 's, a, t. and p' this week.

This week, we have been focusing on our fine motor skills. We have traced patterns, practised name writing and enjoyed painting self portraits.

We have had a wonderful first week in Reception. The children have impressed us with how they are settling in already. Here is a glimpse of some of the learning we have done this week.
