Hi Everyone!
We hope that you are all staying home and staying safe and that you have managed to have a go at some of the activities from the pack. Keep an eye on this page as there will be different activities popping up each week for you to have a go at in addition to your packs.
Also, don't forget that you will have plenty to do on Purple Mash. Keep an eye on there for weekly emails off us to check in and see how you are getting on. We love to see what you guys are getting up to. You can even attach pictures and work to your email if you wish.
I have added lots of new lists to practise on Spelling Shed so that you can mix it up each day and keep practising your spellings!
Also look out for Battles popping up on TTRockstar!
Most importantly, keep safe guys!!!!
We miss you all loads and can't wait to see you soon.
Mrs Lavin and Mrs Lewthwaite