In our local area study, we have been answering the question...
How did Whit Friday begin?
We used digital maps to navigate our local area and environment. The children used both digital and paper maps to create a route that they would get their own brass band to follow if they were entering the local brass band contest.
Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious?
What's so special about the USA?
Today, we have been linking our Geography topic to our Design and Technology skills to create our own models of landmarks that can be found throughout the USA. We started by designing our landmarks and considering what materials and equipment we will need, and then we built the structure of the model and decorated them. Have a look at our creations:
Today, Year 5 researched the climate and weather patterns across the USA. Each group of children were given a different city to research, and produced a weather chart to show what the weather was like there this week. Then, we performed our weather reports for each other. After listening to each other's reports, we had to guess which city each group were reporting from.